
Psalms 110 1
Psalms 110 1

psalms 110 1 psalms 110 1

The second Witness argument-that Jesus cannot be God because “the Lord” spoke to him-is also a faulty one. Knowledgeable Christians who read this verse will grasp that God the Father is speaking to the Son. If confusion results, the problem is not with the translation but rather with a lack of biblical education on the part of the reader. It does not say that “the Lord” was talking to “the Lord.” Most translations render the Hebrew tetragrammaton YHWH as “the Lord” (all capital letters), who is talking to the psalmist’s “Lord” (both capital and small letters), the Messiah. To answer the first argument, it is only necessary to look at the text more closely. Then the Witnesses open their New World Translation and read the same verse: “The utterance of Jehovah to my Lord is.… ” They go on to argue (1) that the New World Translation is a superior Bible to use, because it does not have the Lord talking to himself and (2) that the Lord Jesus must be a mere created being, since Jehovah God is addressing a person distinct from himself. The householder reads that “the Lord said unto my Lord … ” and is immediately confused. Then they will ask him to read the verse. Jehovah’s Witnesses calling at a home may invite the householder to get his own Bible and open it to Psalm 110:1. The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.

Psalms 110 1